
Dev Journal: The Core Worlds for Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation

Posted on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 By Frogboy

We’re working on a new map pack called The Core Worlds.  They started out based on real world locations and have been subsequently balanced.  Unlike most of our map packs, this one is not really designed for multiplayer but rather designed to make for interesting single player experiences.

Part of the appeal of this map pack is having them be asymmetrical.  This means that the map positions - both in terms of geography and resources - are different from player to player.  So how do we make sure it’s “fair”?  The answer: lots and lots of AI vs. AI simulation.

Here is one such example on a map called Gibraltar which started off based on my home town and has been adjusted almost beyond recognition (I had to use mountains to prevent bombardment rather than basins which reflect the canals of my home city).


As you can see here, this tiny map is not remotely “balanced” geographically.  Instead, it’s balanced via resources and distances.

Before we do much initial balancing at all, we send it off to our MVP testers to see if the general design of the map is something they find interesting and get overall feedback on the broader strokes.  Once we get that back, we go to town on the serious balancing and iteration.


We keep a close eye on the resources coming in at various stages and then see who “wins” over a best of 3 to see if there’s an imbalance.  We then try it for different AI types and PHC vs. Substrate.

If you’re really into multiplayer for Ashes of the Singularity, you may not find this map pack your cup of tea (though we had quite a bit of fun during various iterations). But maps designed with the AI in mind that are balanced like this can result in a lot of fun. 

When testing against the AI as a human, I take advantage of things like the artillery and Artemis units and then can crank the AI up higher than normal to see if it can overcome some of my strategic advantages.

When doing balance and AI vs. AI, it’s amazing how just a single additional metal deposit can make a huge difference.  It’s challenging but quite rewarding to see one of these maps come together.

Let’s take a look:


Starting position 2 is a bit OP still.  And so we give one more metal to position 2’s starting location and try again.

Now in this series, Team 1 does much better but the Substrate struggles in position 1 because of this:



The guardians are able to kill off a radioactive early on pretty reliably which essentially prevents them from expanding.  So we go back and tweak the positions of the resources to prevent this.

And so we do it all over again.  And again.  And again. And this is just one map.  You can imagine how time consuming it is, but that’s the point of a map pack DLC.  The player wants to know that some care and effort has gone into this to make sure that it’s balanced.


By moving these, you end up with a much better result.


Now, what we want to do is end up with team 1 having a slight advantage (location 1) because location 2 actually is a better geographic location when played by a skilled human.  So ideally, team 1 will win most games.


Once it seems reasonably balanced for the AI, it’s time for me to do more testing.


I can pretty reliably win until Tough AI is picked, at which point I have to be very careful.

This map DLC should be out this month! Hope you like it!

New Screenshots:






Community Games: Metal Mayhem Follow-up, Ashes of the Singularity

Posted on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 By redskittlesonly

This past Saturday we ran a community games event for our massive-scale real-time-strategy Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation.  Psst...Our events are open to all, with no minimum skill level required!

Check it out!

News: Ashes of the Singularity Escalation September 2020

Posted on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 By SchismNavigator


The v2.93 opt-in continues to receive updates. Over this month we have added some new graphical improvements. But more excitingly we are in the process of a large rebalancing effort. Some of the changes being planned include some alterations to the Substrate to bring them more in line with overall army balancing.

So keep an eye on the opt-in as we continue to work on it in October.

Publisher Sale

We had our publisher sale this month. Among the games on offer was also Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation. We want to welcome our new players who got the game during the sale. Every neophyte is a ne

A good place to go for Ashes is the official discord server. We regularly host community games there and it is where the majority of our active community members hang out.

The Wiki

Work on the wiki rework is ongoing behind the scenes. Most of it has been tidying up what we started with. With the sale now done with and the rebalancing of Ashes in the next patch continuing we are starting to look at wider changes to the wiki.

The most requested updates coming will be for the unit stats. Of course, this is in flux right now so we want to be careful and this will likely be one of the final things we do with the wiki before its official re-launch.

We are also working on some lore background and adding concept art to the wiki. This work should ramp up in October and we hope to have the wiki done with a final pass for unit stats once the in progress patch comes out of opt-in.

Discord Community

The discord community will be receiving a rework along with the rest of our servers this year. There are a few new features that the discord people have added, and we want to make sue of it. Our hope is that after these updates it will make the overall experience easier and more accessible for players wanting to find others and sharing their knowledge, victories, and spectacular losses.

Ashes of the Singularity v2.0 Changes

Posted on Sunday, May 31, 2020 By Frogboy

Changelog for what I'm working on for Ashes v2.0:


Structure Changes

  • Quantum Archive radioactive cost increased from 300 to 400
  • Quantum Relay radioactive cost increased from 300 to 400
  • PHC Refinery radioactive cost increased from 300 to 600, time increased from 90 to 120.  This was done to decrease early game use of it.
Unit Changes
The big change here is that the Substrate units that had armor have had it removed.  Instead, shields have been slightly increased and shield regen increased.
  • Mobile Nullifier radoactive cost increased from 500 to 700
  • Nemesis (PHC sniper) radioactive cost increased from 100 to 200
  • Hades HP increased from 1200 to 1400
  • Hades radioactive cost increased from 180 to 240
  • Harvester radioactive cost increased from 280 to 512 for same reason that the PHC refinery cost was increased. It is not intended as an early game unit.
Weapon Changes
Weapons that had a minor armor piercing ability have been removed.  Generally, weapons either penetrate armor or they do not.  Figuring out whether armor piercing of 4 in the middle of the game will matter is not helpful.
  • Artemis barrage reduced from 6 shots to 5 shots.
  • Artemis shot AOE increased from 30 to 75.
  • Artemis damage reduced from 85 to 70
  • Artemis projectile speed reduced from 150m/s to 100m/s
  • Avenger's Plasma bolt hose (Substrate anti-TI killer) reload time increased from 9.6 to 2.1
  • Avenger Plasma bolt hose bolt count increased from 8 to 12
  • Avenger Plasma bolt hose will no longer target buildings
  • Destructor Plasma Rain (Substrate building killer weapon) will no longer target units
  • Destructor Plasma Rain bolts per volley increased from 12 to 16.
  • Drone bolt range decreased from 400m to 300m
  • Hyena Cutting Array (Substrate Mauler primary weapon) reload time increased from 2.8 to 4.2. Duration increased from 2.2 to 2.5 DPS increased from 70 to 75.
  • Nemesis Rail gun (primary PHC sniper weapon) reload time reduced from 9 to 5.5.  Damage increased from 800 to 900. Can no longer target buildings. Range increased from 1400 to 1600  The unit is more expensive but is now more capable of countering mass dreadnought spam.  The cost bump from 100 to 200 radioactive makes it too expensive to justify as an anti T1/T2 unit.
  • Orbital Strike no longer has armor penetration. Damage decreased from 1000 to 800.
  • Archer (PHC T1 primary weapon) rockets creased from 3 shots to 2. Reload time increased from 3 to 4. Damage increased from 30 to 40. (80 damage delivered).
  • Brute (PHC1 T1 primary weapon) Plasma bolt shot count increased from 6 to 7. Damaged increased from 3.5 to 5.
  • Reaper (Substrate T1 primary) range reduced from 525m to 450m. Reload time increased from 1.06s to 2.1s. Duration increased from 2.4 to 2.8.
In addition to these changes, there was a general pass on secondary weapons of T2s, T3s, and T4s to make those weapons fire more often but do less damage.
Building changes
  • Buildings given an armor value of 4 to encourage players to choose building destroying units that can only target structures.  For example, a unit that does 5 damage per shot will have 4 of it absorbed by armor with only 1 point doing damage.  However, a weapon that have armor piercing will bypass this.
Special Ability Changes
  • Plasma Storm AOE increased from 500 to 600. damage per second reduced from 10 to 5. The objective is to make Plasma Storm an area denial weapon not to simply wipe out swaths of units.  We may reduce the damage further and increase its effect in a future update.

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation v2.9 with Hunter / Prey

Posted on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 By Frogboy

Version 2.9 of the award-winning massive-scale RTS, Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation goes out this week.

This version is the biggest AI update since the original release.  It also has numerous visual improvements including higher resolution textures.

Let’s take a look…

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation v2.9

This is one of the Hunter / Prey expansion turrets.  In v2.9 you can rapidly drop down Emergency Turrets.  They can now be upgraded into a Machine Gun Turret (pictured here) or a Shotgun turret.

You may also notice a general refresh on the terrain in this shot.

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation v2.9

This shot is mainly to just show off the updated terrain texture.

Same here:

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation v2.9

Structures blend in more nicely and the terrain itself has a bit more punch.

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation v2.9

Here I have a bunch of the new Nova Towers and Minos Cannon towers.  They are very vulnerable to air but are great anti-turtle siege weaponry.

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation v2.9

Subtle but important new feature in v2.9: Hold position.   The previous command “Stop” did indeed stop.  But you still ended up with the unit AI occasionally wandering towards unwanted objectives.

Version 2.9 will be released on November 14 at 1pm EST.


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